Wednesday 6 March 2013

Why Kammas Ruling Tollywood?


                                               WE ARE BORN TO RULE

Why Kammas Ruling Tollywood?
There is a general belief that Kammas tend to dominate wherever they go and eventually they start ruling that field. While some take it as aggression and hypocrisy, others find it as group politics and the caste feeling which drives others out. In particular, the presence of Kammas is very dominant in the Telugu film industry.
So, why on earth should only Kammas dominate Tollywood? What are those special qualities that make them stand apart from the rest? Well, here are few of my thoughts.
From what I know, there is no Kamma in the film industry who got addicted to drinking and died due to that. Maximum cases are that of Brahmins and Rajus. The reason I talk about drinking is, when one gets addicted to that, it leads to indiscipline. This indiscipline leads to lack of focus on health. And when there is no focus on health, there is no discipline towards finance and overall development or what we call progressive thinking.
The fact remains that there is so much Kamma domination in the Telugu industry but hearing about someone’s death due to a vice is almost zero chance. Take the instance of Rajus- Harinath, in Kapus- S V Ranga Rao, Brahmins- the list is long. So, my point is, one should not cry over Kammas for their ruling presence. The reason they are in such a position is because they have certain qualities.
Basically, Kammas hail from the land owning communities. Till 1950s, they were struggling a lot without identity and proper livelihood. Once the land ceiling act was removed in the early 50s, they became landlords. Same was the case with the Reddys. The only difference is Kammas chose movies and Reddys chose politics as major chunk. So, the root cause for their success in respective fields is not their caste. The basic discipline is very must and only then anyone will be successful.
This is something the Kammas have imbibed in their lifestyle. That is one major reason why despite being in the midst of vices like wine and women in the cinema industry, they never got addicted in such a way that ruins their life. And this was the major reason for Rajus, Brahmins to lose their control and presence. This is not to say Kammas never drink or indulge in other activities. Whatever they do, they do it with a limit and know where to draw a line. They never lose their self-control.
Since the Kamma community is coming from struggles and hardships, they have developed that sort of discipline and characteristics which have taken them to great heights. But here is the challenging part. Right now, the third generation of neo Kammas is going on. So who knows? Down the line, even they might get into such vices in the way that ruins them. But we have to see the coming fourth and fifth Kamma generations. The flaw in Rajus is they are monarchs since centuries so they like to flaunt their pride and maintain it at all times, through their genetic code. As for Brahmins, once they get recognition from rich communities they take life easy.
Today, the Kamma domination is high in Tollywood and they ensure it is maintained. So, as long as they can sustain their basic qualities like self discipline they will be on top.

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